Test your general idea test stack

Use the experiments in this stack to judge if you are generally on the right track with your idea.

Expert Stakeholder Interviews

Stakeholder interviews help you get buy-in from key players inside an organisation.

Day in the life

Use customer ethnography and understand pains and gains. Often more effective than other interview research.

Ethnographic Gold

Stalking people. But in a good way. Observe and interact with people in their workplace.


Illustrate sequences to visualise an interactive experience.

Product Box

Make a physical box to help your team visualise the key benefits and features of your service.

Speed Boat

A game to find out from customers what is holding back progress.

Card Sorting

Use cards to get insights into customer jobs, pains, gains and help you structure an existing service.


Carry out a customer test on a competitor's product to find unmet needs.

Link Tracking

Use a unique, trackable hyperlink to gain more information and test customer actions.

Feature Stub

Micro test an upcoming feature to quickly decide desirability.

Sales Force Feedback

Find unmet jobs, pains and gains using feedback from your sales force.

Discovery Survey

An open-ended questionnaire to gather information from a sample group of users.

Web Traffic Analysis

Analyse data to look for customer behavior patterns.

Referral Program

Promote your service to new customers using referrals, word of mouth or digital codes.

Social Media Campaign

Publish social media messages over a specific time period.

Email Campaign

Email messages sent to customers over a specific time period.

Search Trend Analysis

Use search data to perform your own market research, investigate particular interactions and more.

Partner Interview

Similar to customer interviews but you're talking to key partners and discussing the activities you cannot or don't want to do in-house.

Buy a feature

Gather 15-20 potential customers, let them use "pretend currency" to inform you what features they would like.

Online Advert

Use online adverts to display your value proposition to a niche user segment, plus a simple call to action, over a specific time period.

Explainer Video

Short video, explain your business/service in a simple, engaging way.

Analyse Discussion Forms

Go into online discussion forums to uncover unmet needs that may relate to your idea.

Customer Support Analysis

Use data from customer support to uncover unmet jobs, pains and gains.


Make a mock up brochure of your value proposition

Customer Interview

Creating successful customer or user interviews is a critical skill.

Paper Prototype

Sketch an interface on paper to get quick reactions to a customer interaction.

3D Print

Rapidly prototype using a 3D model.

Data Sheet

A one page sheet with the specifications of your value proposition. Just pure data about the product.